Sunday, December 29, 2013

In The Beginning...

How did we get here? Well, my family lives on the same property my husband grew up on. It was once a farm, and we are the third generation to live here. (Not the same house, his parent's home burned down years ago. We live in the house that replaced that.) My son started college this year, and so we all are now commuting to school and work. My husband builds commercial buildings so he's always driving somewhere new, but his company is based in the same city our son attends college. Sometimes my hubby drives two or more hours EACH WAY. It was getting so expensive that I was actually working just to pay our family's gas bill.

We finally came to the conclusion it would be more economical to just rent an apartment and let my bachelor brother live in our house. I'm going to make a very long story short: That plan turned into us purchasing a house that came from a tax sale.
Home Sweet Home

The story I gathered about the house is that an elderly person lived there, and the city had come in and updated the electrical, windows, siding, roof and installed a new furnace and hot water heater. All the structural things had been done and were up to date (with the exception of plumbing). The interior was a different story. It was dirty, smelly, and very outdated. I can't imagine a time that this stuff was indated. There were no cabinets in the kitchen, they just used these plastic things that I think came from a 70's diner. There was only a stand up shower, and when I looked at the thing it started leaking so I know it was a problem. The flooring was so old there were literally wear holes in the linoleum. Sometimes I walk in there and wonder what in the hell we were thinking. There is a lot of work to be done before it's livable.

"Master" Bedroom

Living Room


Dining Room


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